What’s the Yelp rating on Tinaliga’s work? (From the looks of it, at least 4/5 stars ⭐️) I’m a work in constant progress!
From news article interviews to thesis citations to Twitter mentions and more— let’s see what the people have to say!
also cited in:
“Fanwar: Perang antar Fans Idol K-Pop di Media Sosial” (War between K-Pop Idol Fans on Social Media), by Lastriani Lastriani. In Emik: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial (Journal of Social Sciences).
“What are the problematic characteristics of current K-pop “fandom”? Would it be possible for idols to begin implementing a different relationship dynamic with their fans, and if so, how?”, by kmusicincontext. Tumblr blog post.
“More Than an Entertainment — Cyberviolence in Digital Fandom Culture”, by Baowen Miao. MA Thesis for Tilburg University ,Dept. of Cultural Studies.
“Toxic Behaviours and Interactions of Stan Twitter”, by Priscilla Eugenia Sanjaya. In Debating Communities and Networks 11 Conference 2020 at Curtin University.
social media
“This one is entitled, "“At War for OPPA and Identity”: Competitive Performativity among Korean-Pop Fandoms" by Brittany Tinaliga of The University of San Francisco #PurpleARMYDay…” by @bangtanpopcrave. Twitter.
“Randomly I stumbled about a scientific research of #KPop #fandoms and their interactions. If you’re interested click the link. 50 pages of analysis, comparisons and achievements expect you!” by @CarliYGA. Twitter.
“[translated from Indonesian] It's interesting. As the one whose thesis is about JKT48, I really understand..JKT48 is a little bit different, but both are toxic” by @bimaprawira. Twitter.
“interesting read” by @GTroubleArtist. Twitter.